Lunch & Learn Sessions


The Asphalt Pavement Association of Michigan (APAM) offers Lunch & Learn sessions to provide the latest information and applications for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). We tailor presentations to meet your needs. Sessions typically last an hour, depending on the presentation requested. Sessions can be scheduled any time of the day that is convenient for you and your colleagues. Personal Development Hours (PDH’s) are issued upon completion of seminar. Besides a broad overview of the design and construction of asphalt pavements, we can add emphasis in one of many different areas such as the following: 
  •  What are the economic benefits of using asphalt pavements?
  •  Should you consider a Perpetual Pavement design for your next project?
  •  How do asphalt pavements fit into the “sustainability” movement?
  •  How can I specify Porous Asphalt?
  •  What is HMA Ultra-Thin, and when should it be used?
  •  When should you rubbilize an old concrete pavement?
  •  How can you keep traffic moving during a project?
  •  How can you save money by using recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) in my            mixes?
  • And more  . . .
To schedule your session contact Chuck Mills, APAM’s Director of Engineering. Chuck can be reached by calling the APAM office at 517.323.7800 or
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