Thin Asphalt Overlays

Thin HMA Overlays - Your Cost-Effective Solution

Thin HMA overlays, 1 ½" or less, are the cost effective solution for pavement preservation primarily because of their ability to:
    · Provide improved ride quality,
    · Reduce surface distresses,
    · Maintain surface geometrics,
    · Reduce noise levels,
    · Reduce life cycle costs, and
    · Provide long-lasting service.

Thin HMA overlays should be placed before the pavement deterioration has reached a critical stage where more extensive rehabilitation is required. This will maximize your performance and yield a more cost-effective solution for your pavement.

Thin HMA overlays can be expected to provide 10 years or more on existing asphalt surfaces.

IS - 135 Thin Asphalt Overlays for Pavement Preservation

Thin asphalt overlays are popular approaches to pavement preservation because of their ability to provide improved ride quality, reduce pavement distresses, maintain surface geometrics, reduce noise levels, reduce life cycle costs and provide long-lasting service. This document provides guidance on when to choose thin overlays, how to select materials and design the mixes, construction and quality control, and what type of performance benefits to expect.Thin asphalt overlays are popular approaches to pavement preservation because of their ability to provide improved ride quality, reduce pavement distresses, maintain surface geometrics, reduce noise levels, reduce life cycle costs and provide long-lasting service. This document provides guidance on when to choose thin overlays, how to select materials and design the mixes, construction and quality control, and what type of performance benefits to expect.

IS - 135  Thin Asphalt Overlays for Pavement Preservation

Thin Overlays Presentation

PDF of Presentation




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